This algorithm is used to generate only one octant of the circle. The other parts are obtained by successive reflections.
• This illustrated in figure. If the first octant ( 0 to 45¬o CCW) is generated, the second
octant is obtained by reflection through the line y = x to yield the first quadrant.
• The results in the first quadrant are reflected through the line x = 0 to obtain those in
the 2nd quadrant.
• The combined results in the upper semi circle are reflected through the line y = 0 to
complete the circle.
• To derive Bresenham’s circle generation algorithm, consider the first quadrant of an
origin centered circle. Notice that if the algorithm begins at x =0 , y =r then for
clockwise generation of the circle y is monotonically decreasing function of x in the
first quadrant.
• Similarly, if the algorithm begins at y =0 , x=R then for counter clock wise generation
of the circle x is a monotonically decreasing function of y. Here clockwise generation
starting at x=0, y=R is chosen.
• The center of the circle and the starting point are both assumed located precisely at
pixel element.
Bresenham’s incremental circle algorithm for the first quadrant all variables are assumed integer.
Initialize the variables.
xi = 0;
yi = R;
ri = 2(1-R)
Limit =0
while yi ≥ Limit
call setpixel(xi,yi)
determine if case 1 or 2,4 or5 or 3
if ri < 0 then
δ = 2ri + 2yi – 1
determine whether case 1 or 2
if δ ≤ 0 then
call mh(xi,yi, ri)
call md(xi,yi, ri)
end if
else if ri > 0 then
δ1=2ri + 2xi – 1
determine whether case 4 or 5
if δ1≤0 then
call md(xi,yi, ri)
call mv(xi,yi, ri)
end if
else if ri =0 then
call md(xi,yi, ri)
end if
end while
• Move horizontally
subroutine mh(xi,yi, ri)
xi = xi + 1
ri = ri + 2xi +1
end sub
• Move diagonally
subroutine md(xi,yi, ri)
xi = xi + 1
yi = yi - 1
ri = ri + 2xi -2yi +2
end sub
• Move vertically
subroutine mv(xi,yi, ri)
yi = yi + 1
ri = ri -2yi +1
end sub
Example: To illustrate the circle generation algorithm, consider the origin-centered circle of radius 8. Only the first quadrant is generated.
Solution: initial calculations
xi = 0;
yi = 8
ri = 2(1-8)
Limit =0
Incrementing through the main loop yields
yi > Limit
call mh(0,8,-14)
x = 0+1=1
ri= -14 +2(1)+1=-11
yi >Limit
call mh(1,8,-11)
ri= -11 +2(2)+1=-6
yi >Limit
Setpixel i δ δ1 x y
-14 0 8
(0 , 8)
-11 -13 1 8
(1 , 8)
-6 -7 2 8
(2 ,8 )
-12 3 3 7
(3 , 7)
-3 -11 4 7
(4 ,7 )
-3 7 5 6
( 5, 6)
1 5 6 5
( 6,5 )
9 -11 7 4
(7 ,4 )
4 3 7 3
(7 , 3)
18 -7 8 2
(8 ,2 )
17 19 8 1
(8 ,1 )
18 17 8 0
(8 ,0 )
Article By:
GV Prasad
Assoc. Professor
Assoc. Professor
CSE Department
Sphoorthy Engineering College
Sphoorthy Engineering College |
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